Thursday, January 26, 2012

Proud Dad

Holy Cow, I have had nothing to say since November. Does that mean I have a boring life? Should I be concerned here? I really don't know, but as I say to my friend, I just never know what to say. That is until today. I am posting a link to a youtube video. Some say it is kind of graphic but quite honestly, I love it and I strongly believe that to create change, sometimes you have to shock the masses.

This video was created by Natasha for a school project. she received an incredible grade for it on her presentation and I was so please to hear from her that after she presented it, the next day the teacher called her out in the hall to have a 'discussion'. Uh-oh would have been my reaction in school but fortunately this isn't about me today. Natasha's teacher asked her to re-do her presentation again right there.......for the principal who had heard about it. Apparently both were very impressed and I as the Dad have chosen this time and format to boast about my incredible kid.

Please watch the video and leave comments. As I said it is kind of graphic but powerfully so.



Saturday, November 26, 2011

I Liked These

Lots of people put videos and pictures on facebook or send them via email and so on and for me personally, most of them might make me smile a bit but usually I shake my head thinking people have way too much time. However, I am here to share a couple video clips that I loved. The first one made me 'LOL' as the kids say it and the second one, I am not ashamed to say made me emotional like a chick, but it was a good one.

So, here they are for you to enjoy. I hope all my followers like them as much as I did and that it was worth the 3 month wait.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Still Nothing

So I wandered over to a couple sites of friends to read what's been going on. Lots of fun and entertainment for both Dorito and Ms. Squidgessence, and then I realized one of my concerns. Not that this is a competition but sweet Mother Of Mary, look at these blogs. They are actually interresting with pictures and videos and humour and stuff. An Ox and Red Cat? The ramblings of a cable jockey. ....And no pictures or videos. Yikes, I have to get up to the times and become creative. I see that I have to keep posting just to keep the party downa dn the general noise around here to a dull roar.

Tell, you what, I 'm building a birdhouse with Hannah, we were all Gung-Ho and then we let stuff sidetrack us. Just have to 'tach the roof. If we actually get it done this weekend, I will take lovely pictures of it and post them with detailed descriptions of our 'work of art'

There. I 've posted. Again. That should appease the squatters for a few days.


Sunday, August 21, 2011


Nothing! Nothing has happened! I don't know what to say. I am having a mental blogck. I got four freakin' people that stop by here and one has to be a huge pain in my Squidgey-Bum! If, yes If I had all this cool neat stuff to blog aboot, you all would be first to know but I am not as interesting as some other creative people. Crap and Serenity Now! Perhaps I should blog about Nascar and slag that again. Well, come to think of it, that's not a bad idea cuz it is Nascar and, wait, what's going to happen?, oh yeah, they turned left!!! Again!!! Anyway, can't slag that cuz I would lose 75% of my followers. And I still don't know what the hell a 'maslan pan' is for so I got no comment there.

Camping! How about that? I took 2 of the girls camping a week ago with one of their friends. We had a blast. Damn near sunk a kayak.(nicely done Natasha and Grace) but we managed to rescue it out of the bogg. A whole week without technology and they didn't kill each other. Very cool. And tetherball. Is there a better game in the world if you want to 'innocently' smash someone in the face? We like tetherball.

That's it. maybe in 2 months I will post some of those photos but for now I got to stop the silly party going on by 'those two'....... and you know who you are!

Mwah! AML.

Till October,

Saturday, May 28, 2011


.....the thing about having a blog is that it is just a silly place to put silly thoughts and in my case, have a chuckle with myself.
However, every now and again, you may find yourself stumbling across a blog that you really enjoy. I mean really really like. The kind of blog that has nice warm thoughts and maybe some weird 'backward' humour. This is really really really great.
However, what seems to be sad is when you find this kind of blog that you really really really really enjoy, and then all of a sudden, no more posts? I mean, what up? Now if you are a tiny blogger such as myself, well no problemo. I won't be missed. (Although rumor has that Dorito checked here faithfully for 1 year and change waiting for a new post. That may be a story for another day, but I digress). But, if you have a large following, perhaps even international, I mean, hell, these people want to know what's going on. Like I said to a friend, just the other day, I'll call them, umm, Leonard, just to keep their anonymity. Anyway, I said to Leonard, who would string these people along waiting for humour and wit and wisdom? (Ok, scratch the wisdom part, but definately humour and wit and the occasional maslan pan)
Well, I guess I am just saying to my 2, yes count 'em 2 loyal followers, and those other 2 clowns that just have their names 'tached to my site, Hey, don't worry, you will not get any humour, wit or wisdom here. Just the ramblings of some monster. Da Bonkmonster, as it were.

Aml to you 2, and yes I guess you other two too.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Holy Bloggers Batman!

Someone actually checked my blog and actually expects me to update it. Ok loyal followers. I appreciate your patience. Stay tuned here. something unbelievable great and witty and maybe insightful is comng up.

..........just not now. haven't thought of it yet. But come back often. Maybe I'll post about a roof I recently did that isn't mentioned aaannnnnnnnyywhere else on the'net.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm Back Baby

.... reset my password. Now I am ready to blog once again. Hmmmm, just need to find something interesting to write about.

From my 4 very loyal followers, any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, things you might want to read, recipes anything, anything at all?

Please let me know or this may be a very very short return to the, um, airwaves?
